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Colour can be mischievous. It not only affects our hearts and minds – it also plays tricks on our eyes. Hidden in the captivating depths of ECO Crayon, this is very much the case. 
With ECO Crayon, what you get is actually more than first glances might suggest. From a distance, your eyes tell you it is pure, warm and natural but most definitely single-colour. Come closer, however, and you may be surprised to see that it reveals much more. 
Over a calm, neutral base, soft crayon strokes have been applied, building layer upon layer and gently encouraging two or more colours to playfully interact. Shift perspective and Crayon’s relief texture plays exciting games with light and colour, presenting unexpected nuances of shade. 
Created to add contemporary Scandinavian vibrancy and offering a delicate balance of form, material and colour, ECO Crayon effortlessly compliments the dynamic of any sophisticated interior environment.